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April 01 2020 0Comment
India’s Best EOT Crane Manufacturer

Why Should We Include Wireless Controls To Enhance Safety In Our Crane Operations?

Traditional crane controls are rapidly seeing themselves getting replaced by wireless remote controls all over, and it is one of the best things to happen to cranes in a long time. Although industrial purists might disagree and pitch in opine that traditional controls provide them more command on the machinery and it is easier to manipulate when it comes to safety and security of operations, wireless control is the way forward. Let us have a brief outlook on the concept and understand what wireless radio controls bring into the world of crane operations.

Cranes and its operations

Before radio controls came into existence, there were only two kinds of controls used for operating the crane – wired pendant controls and bridge mounted cabin operated. Both had their fair share of pros and cons, but their drawbacks were effectively addressed by wireless controls.

Cabin controls are very effective in operations but generally require more than one operator to work properly. One person controlling the crane needs assistance on the ground for rigging and positioning the load. Moreover, most operations also require an additional relay person who will spot the operations and direct them via verbal or visual instructions.

With the wired pendant, crane controls, most of these problems were tended to. The operator was placed physically near the load on the working floor. This allowed him to position the load himself by accessing a direct line of sight and eliminating the need for the relay person. But it also came with a new disadvantage. It required the crane operator to follow the path of the crane along the factory floor. This brought in a hazard risk as to the risk of tripping and falling increased. The crane hence had to move more cautiously and slowly, thereby reducing the speed of operations and decreasing its effectiveness and safety.

What do wireless controls bring in?

Both the above disadvantages of traditional controls were addressed by the advent of wireless remote controls.  Firstly, the operator is positioned on the floor and can perform the rig and positioning task from there itself, eliminating the need for the extra spotter. It also allows the operator enhanced visibility as he or she is at liberty to position the controls on the best floor location available to monitor the crane's operation.

The precision of controls is also heightened as wireless crane controls also allow the operator to move in closer to the load when it is positioned safely. In case of hazardous weights, the operator also has the option to move away from it and control the operations from a safe distance. Summing it up, wireless controls free the operator’s position relative to the load and also eliminates the need for him to move with it. There is a fall zone marked, however, where the operator must remain outside. Therefore, it brings in more workplace safety when it comes to crane operations.

How do wireless controls minimize the operator's risks?

When we are dealing with heavier loads and using cranes to operate them, there is always a risk of the materials falling on the operator unless he or she is positioned safely at a distance from the heavy load itself. Other aspects that increase the hazard while operating a crane are as follows.

  • Mechanical failure
  • Incompetency of the operator
  • Slips and trip hazards
  • Decreased line of sight from the operator and the load.
  • The operator is positioned inside the marked zone.

The wireless remote controls give operators positioning flexibility, and hence he is always outside the fall or danger zone. The line of sight and visibility is also enhanced due to this flexibility. Any impending danger or hazardous possibility is then noticed beforehand, and team members can alert the crew and prevent it from occurring.

How does it reduce human incompetence?

As mentioned above, human incompetency in the form of manual errors often leads to hazardous scenarios. The wireless controls help us in this regard greatly. Firstly, we must ensure that the operators have acquired proper training and are certified to operate the machinery and its wireless controls. Ensuring that the operator’s abilities are up to the mark reduces the chance of creating an operational vulnerability in the process.

The modern controls boasting wireless remote facilities are equipped with safety features that enhance the capability of the operator. This provides an extra layer of security, which helps in preventing any glitches during operation, resulting in fatal accidents. These built-in features enhancing operation controls are as follows.

  • Easily accessible machine stop switch.
  • Key interlocks
  • Supervisory functions
  • Ergonomic design prevents random operational glitches.
  • LED indicators, along with improved feedback and haptic vibrations.


Crane controlling has always been one of the standard and most frequented operations inside factories and warehouses. Enhancing ease and operations and operational safety has always been the prime focus of warehouse machinery. Wireless controls have provided the same to cranes, which were earlier operated through traditional control mechanisms. It has enhanced the way operators have worked with cranes and heightened their efficiencies largely, improving their safety levels all the while.